
Ms Annette Carey

Non-Executive Director, Member of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Appointed a Director of Sigma Healthcare Limited in April 2023. Ms Carey is a current Non-Executive Director of National Intermodal Corporation, a Non-Executive Director of Flinders Port Holdings Pty Ltd, and a Non-Executive Director of Kinetic. Prior to joining Sigma Healthcare, Ms Carey has been a Director of Linfox Armaguard Pty Ltd and Sai Cheng Logistics Inc and was Chair of Australia Post Global. Ms Carey brings a balance of technical expertise as well as legal, strategic, and commercial intellect from over 20 years’ of experience in supply chain, logistics and cross border e-commerce. Ms Carey has previously held various senior roles within the Linfox Logistics group progressing from General Counsel and Company Secretary to Chief Executive Officer. Ms Carey also held the position of Executive General Manager International with Australia Post. Ms Carey is a member of Chief Executive Women.